Dog Ambassador Program

Entering a busy shelter environment can be challenging for any animal. Some have experienced abuse, neglect, or have special medical needs which makes keeping them comfortable and healthy even more challenging. This is where our ambassadors, foster parents, and sanctuary caregivers make the difference. Dedicated employees, supported by passionate volunteers, make these programs successful. By working together, we give some of the most vulnerable pets the physical, social, emotional, and psychological support they need to find their forever families or live out their lives with dignity and love.

Our Ambassador Program offers volunteers a higher level of interaction with a shelter dog. Each dedicated volunteer is paired with a dog who needs additional enrichment and training to improve its behavior and to relieve stress often associated with shelter life. Dog Ambassadors work closely with our dog training staff to learn training techniques and protocols specifically for their designated dog.

The program is designed to give each dog a fun experience that exceeds normal shelter volunteer routines:
  • Car rides
  • Walks in the park
  • Trail runs
  • Visits to the ambassador’s home
  • Playtime in the ambassador’s backyard
If you are not already a shelter volunteer, please email Ali at for information about upcoming classes to complete the general volunteer orientation and dog department training.

If already a shelter volunteer, please email


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