Faithful Friends Animal Society Part of Effort to Save 4,000 Beagles.
Faithful Friends Animal Society Part of Effort to Save 4,000 Beagles.
Faithful Friends Animal Society (FFAS) opened its doors to over two dozen beagles from the Envigo facility in Cumberland, Virginia. Faithful Friends partnered with the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) to help find placement for approximately 4,000 beagles. Beagles, aged 2-6 months of age, will arrive at 12 Germay Drive in Wilmington around 12/1:00 on August 16th. Please contact Kayla Mullen if you would like to attend.
In conjunction with HSUS, Delaware saw the arrival of close to 40 beagles from the breeding facility. First State Animal Center, Delaware Humane Association/Delaware SPCA, and FFAS shared responsibility for the placement of these dogs. Faithful Friends will be responsible for the care of 13 beagles.
FFAS brought the group of beagles to its shelter, located at 12 Germay Drive, in Wilmington DE as part of the removal of beagles from a mass-breeding facility. The HSUS is coordinating the rescue of approximately 4,000 beagles housed at an Envigo RMS LLC facility in Cumberland, VA which bred dogs to be sold to laboratories for animal experimentation. The United States District Court found that the facility engaged in serious and ongoing violations of the Animal Welfare Act and contends that Envigo has consistently failed, despite repeated warnings and opportunities for correction, to meet its obligations under AWA’s regulations. The dogs received insufficient veterinary care, and inadequate food all while living in unsanitary conditions.
The transfer plan was submitted by the Department of Justice and Envigo RMS LLC, with the agreement of the HSUS to assume the responsibility of coordinating placement. Beginning July 21, 2022, the HSUS Animal Rescue Team started removing the beagles from the mass breeding facility and transporting them to their partners, including FFAS, and their animal care and rehabilitation center. FFAS and shelters across the country, worked together to place the beagles in shelters capable of their care.
All the Beagles will be examined by our veterinarian, fixed, and micro-chipped before they are available for adoption and foster. These dogs have lived in wire cages their entire lives and have never been outside. Bearing in mind these dogs have unfortunately never felt grass, the sun on their fur, or love, FFAS is prepared to invest a significant amount of behavioral resources into the beagles including bonding exercises from their training team. Our entire dog team staff will invest hours of time in the rehabilitation of these animals so they can live a fulfilled, happy life, with new forever homes.
“All of the dogs from the weaned puppies, up to the moms, have tattoos in their ears and that was their name for their entire life. They’ll no longer be an aggregate number of animals, they’ll be individuals and they’ll have families and be loved” says Audra Houghton, HSUS Director of Operations for the Animal Rescue Team.
FFAS Executive Director, Jane Pierantozzi states “Experimenting on animals is cruel as they are sentient beings just as we are. They can give and receive love, and feel fear, pain, and joy. Each one of these beagles is innocent and deserves love, protection, and care. We hope these rescue efforts raise awareness of policymakers for the beginning of the end to this practice of experimenting on living beings.”
FFAS is honored to have been chosen to help rescue these animals and is currently working on finding foster homes for these dogs to help the transition into a forever home. FFAS hopes to continue this effort later in the year, and helps save the lives of more beagles.
If you are interested in fostering or adopting one of these beagles, you may fill out an application on Faithful Friends’ website and a member of staff will be in touch.
Unable to foster or adopt? FFAS has a goal of raising $10,000 for the beagle’s care. You can donate on their website.
Not able to donate, or wish you could do more to help end animal testing? Your voice is crucial in this fight—please take a moment to send a pre-filled message to urge the FDA to stop relying on outdated animal testing and instead commit to and prioritize a shift towards more accurate non-animal test methods.