Training Success: Finn
Ben recently worked with Finn and his family to work on some behavioral issues he was having. Here is a note from Finn’s parents, Cindi and Steve Martinenza: My wife and I welcomed our new 12-week-old puppy into our lives in August 2020. Finn is an English springer spaniel, very friendly and full of energy. As he grew older, we noticed some behaviors that we knew weren’t good for him or for us. He had a habit of eating small pieces of cloth and paper, occasionally became angry when we tried to remove these and other objects from his grasp and, being the friendly pup that he is, would greet our family and friends by jumping up on them.
As we discussed our next step, we remembered the good things we had heard about Faithful Friends Animal Society. Turns out that not only do they treat the animals
in their care very well, but they also work with owners to help them modify their pet’s behavior. We learned that the difference between the “professional” dog trainers and the folks at FFAS is that at FFAS, they help train the owners too. After some weeks of effort between us, Finn and Ben, our FFAS trainer, we noticed a remarkable change in Finn’s behaviors. He no longer fought us for items he had found, could ignore paper and cloth within his reach, and warmly greeted our guests instead of knocking them over (Ben also taught us how to train our friends in the correct way to greet Finn!) We are very grateful that we took the time to talk with FFAS about their training service and very grateful for the results that we’ve achieved together.