Alumni Chubbs has officially graduated from Faithful Friends 6-week Basic Obedience Training which is open to the public!
Can we get a round of applause for our first ever Faithful Friends Obedience Training graduate?
Alumni Chubbs has officially graduated from Faithful Friends 6-week Basic Obedience Training which is open to the public!
Chubbs was adopted from Faithful Friends so to see him come back and pass this course with flying colors truly was a proud moment for our dog team and trainers!
Chubb’s owner had nothing but amazing things to say about our program, check out her testimonial, “ I’ve had dogs in my home for over 20 years. I’ve read books, looked at youtube and Instagram, bought training programs, and just figured it out along the way. Then I adopted a young dog named Chubbs that already had a few skills and habits. He’s super smart! He’s also very curious. Neighborhood walks were adventuresome dogs he likes. Some dogs he DOES NOT and will let them and the neighborhood know it. He wants to greet every human he sees with a kiss. In the face. No matter what. Obviously, for any dog, these are not good manners and I thought I could just “learn more” to fix it. But I am really lazy. And I didn’t want to waste my time doing more work than maybe wouldn’t help me or my dog. If it were really as simple as picking up a book or checking out the latest cable dog show then everyone would have the Best Behaved Dog.
Recently Faithful Friends started advertising dog obedience sessions. I figured Chubbs really likes to learn and work on things and I need to have the same enthusiasm. These sessions are a package of 6 weeks of training for me and my dog. They also offer personal hour-long sessions that I could try after my obedience sessions were over. Looks like I can have lifelong training with them for anything I may need. Yay!
I know that the trainers at Faithful Friends have to work with every type of dog personality. They talk with every type of human personality. They can figure what dog/human combo they have very quickly and tailor their training accordingly. No wasted time! No wasted effort! I thought it best to give it a try and at the very least Chubbs got to have weekly playtime with a new friend and I could pick up some knowledge.
I had my doubts that I could get my dog to do the things our trainer requested. But I followed the instructions as I was given them and after a few short minutes, it happened! And the next thing happened, and then the next. Every week built on the previous. Everything our trainer went over translated almost immediately to living well with this very smart, adventurous, curious dog. Chubbs did very well with his trainer Zach, who happens to be Chubbs’ type – he feels like he can jump on him and do no harm. Zach helped let him know there are other ways to get attention from people. Of course, I have more work to do, but Chubbs has already improved on our walks. He still wants to kiss everyone, but now he waits (on the ground) for attention and cookies. He still doesn’t like some dogs but he’s better at letting just me know about it and getting back to a normal walk.
It’s worth the investment and it’s not just 6 weeks – we now have so much information and are constantly building the skills we both need in order to have a happy life together. And I know that if I ever feel lazy again I can just call on Faithful Friends for more sessions and more education. It can only get better!”
Our trainers are some of the best around. Think you and your dog could benefit from our 6-week program? Follow the link provided to our website to fill out the form today to get started.
If you have any questions, you are able to reach out to our trainers, Zach and Ben, directly!
Obedience Training Link: https://faithfulfriends.us/obedience-training/